Introduction to Feededly

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About Course

Feededly is a unique platform that allows our clients to build a list of everyone searching Google for any keyword they can imagine. The implications behind our tech are staggering. For Sales and Marketing teams needing access to low-cost consumer leads at scale, Feededly provides solutions that are unheard of in this day and age. 



What Will You Learn?

  • In this course, you will learn what the platform is, how it works, and the best way to sell it to prospective clients.

Course Content

Introduction to Feededly
An quick overview of what Feededly is

  • Introduction to Feededly

Data as a Service (Our Value Proposition) 
As an independent sales rep for Feededly and our subsidiaries, you will sell Data as a Service.

Understanding Feededly
In this section you will get a better understanding on how Feededly generates audience feeds and the type of information you get with that.

Growth Hacking Facebook Special Ad Categories
Targeting High Intent consumers using Facebook's Audience targeting is hard enough as it is. When your ads also happen to fall into a special ad category, it can be even more difficult. But don’t worry, we have a growth hack that will turn this negative into a massive growth opportunity that your competitors won’t be able to duplicate

Sales Training
This Section will go over the best way to sell Feededly to your prospective clients.

Getting Paid
We will go over the method of how you get paid once you sell our data.

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